
These are my Terms of Service, read carefully before buying or interacting with my content:

T.o.S. applied to BugalloCores (aka Reef, Crackedwood)'s content, and Varela_111 (aka Vare, greenblooded)'s content. If you don't follow the rules specified below, we will be forced to take action about it, so please do respect them to avoid unnecessary consequences.

• Do not repost my works, they can only be exposed on my official accounts unless I give explicit permission to share a specific piece.
• Do not save my pieces unless you have bought them from me.
• Do not modify, erase my signature or change any element of my pieces even if you did buy them from me.
• Regarding ToyHouse, do not erase and/or create a new character profile for any of my designs unless I give my explicit consent. Creating a new character profile without properly crediting my ToyHouse account and/or without displaying my T.o.S. will be considered a reason to report and be blacklisted.
• Do not feed my art to AIs or any other copying/edit method.
• You can use my works as inspiration, but do not copy them.
• All the pieces I make might be shown as examples on my social media.
• Do not re-trade / re-sell / give away ANY of my designs to a minor user (under 18). Minors will ONLY be able to receive characters directly from the creator, if they are not marked as NSFW.
• Once you become the owner of a design I am not responsible if it gets copied, stolen or any kind of similar issue with other users, please do take care of the design to avoid that kind of trouble.
About commissions:
• Payments are made beforehand. The piece won't be started until the payment is done.
• Please, give clear indications and references for the piece.
• During the creation process, you can ask for changes once the sketch is made. You can ask as well for changes once the color is aplied, but you will have to pay an extra.
• You can't use the piece for commercial use. If you want to use it for such purpose, you will have to communicate it to me and pay an extra.
• I will not make refunds. Please make sure you really want the art piece before making the payment.
About customs:
• Same rules as commissions plus the ones ahead.
• If you want to gift it to someone or trade the design, please notify me so I can keep track of the character and know who is its current owner.
• If you don't want the character anymore at some point, please do return them to me instead of giving them away for free to an unknown user.
• You can trade the design, but never for a higher price, unless you add more art pieces to it.
• Do not make them a closed species.
• Do not claim that the design is yours even if you modify it.
• Give credit at least the first time you make art of the character.
• Do not trade, sell, gift chatacters to people in the blacklist.
• You can’t show or include on any way the design on commercial products of any kind if you have not purchased their commercial use. This includes as well using art of such design made by other users for commercial purposes.
About adopts:
• Same rules as commissions and adopts plus the ones ahead.
• You can't delete bids. If you want to back off, please, do inform me to cancel it as soon as possible.
About my payments:
• The pieces I make as payments follow the same rules as any of my other pieces according to their category.

Thank you